Dole Organic Bananas Farm Labeling
Dole Organic Bananas has added a farm number to each of their labels, which you can then lookup on the internet to get more information on that particular farm, including actually viewing its location with Google Earth.
I like this concept as you can track your food back to the actual farm it was grown on. I hope that Dole adds even more information on each farm and that other companies add such labels to their products.
I like this too! I think I will google earth my sweet banana's first home!
Samantha Rufle
Feature Writer for Nutrition
Suite 101
I'm with you Samantha.
I might go and buy an organic Dole banana just to find out where it came from. :)
Dear Samantha and Fat Knowledge:
I am glad you like the idea, and thanks FK for posting this blog, it allow us to reach more educated consumers and make them aware about this tool and information source.
I personally think that it is a cool idea to know who´s behind your food, right?
FK, we are working on adding new and more information about the farms, our plan is to keep updating the website every month or even more often.
Retrieve the information from the Divisions (countries) is not easy, and our commitment is to present real information and to present it just like it is, no make up, no advertising, just things like they are. Samuel Fromartz, author of Organic Inc. (nice book by the way)in his blog Chews Wise called it transparency, that is our goal.
Let´s do something, when you get your organic banana let me know where does it come from and we will check the website and update it with the latest information. I will let you ask the information you want to know and we will add it to the website, OK?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Luis Monge
Regional Certification Officer
Organic Program
Dole Fresh Fruit International, Ltd.
Hi Luis,
Thanks for the offer. I like the idea of transparency that you lay out.
Off hand, I don't know specifically what other information I would like to see. If there was a way to show how the workers were being treated, that would be useful, but I don't know exactly how to do it. I would suggest putting up the hourly wage and benefits, but I have no idea what a good wage is in Costa Rica.
I would also be interested in watching short videos of how the bananas are harvested and processed. Don't know if that is feasible or not.
Best of luck with this initiative, I think you are headed in the right direction and hope it is successful for you.
Hi again!
You asked a difficult thing to show. If I present an interview with a worker, the questions will then be: would it be the same with all of them?, is he/she a real worker or just an actor?, did the corp write the speach or forced him/her to say such a thing?
But with the wages, I think I can get some information, both the wages paid to the employees and the wages established on the law of the specific country.
Videos... hummmmm, they are heavy to load, in some cases, depending on the internet connection it would take more time than visitors are willing to wait. But we can try.
So, give a code and let`s work on that!
Luis Monge.
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