Saturday, November 08, 2008

Fruits and Vegetables are Elitist

We found that low-income households spent significantly less on fruits and vegetables than higher income households. In any given week, approximately 19 percent of all low-income households bought no fruits and vegetables, compared with only about 10 percent of higher income households with no expenditures.

We found that small changes in income had no effect on fruit and vegetable expenditures by low-income households. For higher income households, however, small changes in income did translate to increased expenditures for fruits and vegetables; the increased expenditures, while small, were statistically significant.

Interestingly, the largest positive influence on fruit and vegetable expenditures was a college-educated head of household, regardless of income level. In fact, college-educated households had the highest level of per capita expenditures for fruits and vegetables.
How much you want to bet that the Obamas are a bunch of carrot and apple chompers?

I wonder if this trend is just in the US or if it holds for all countries? I also wonder how much of this has to do with the subsidies given to grain farmers in the US, which makes fruits and vegetables more expensive relatively.

via USDA


Anonymous said...

What about the caloric efficiency of grain products compared to fruits and vegetables? In other words, doesn't a poorer person get more calories for less money by buying grain products rather than f&v?

Fat Knowledge said...


I am pretty sure that you are correct that grain gives you more calories per $ than f&v.

But, f&v are important for fiber and micro-nutrients and people that eat them are likely to be healthier.

The poor are also more likely than the rich to be overweight, a sign that in America that getting too few calories is not a problem for the poor.

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